Green Socialist Notes is a weekly livestream/podcast hosted by 2020 Green Party/Socialist Party presidential and vice presidential nominees, Howie Hawkins and Angela Walker.  Started as a weekly campaign livestream in the spring of 2020, the streams have continued post elections and are now under the umbrella of the Green Socialist Organizing Project, which grew out of the 2020 presidential campaign.  Green Socialist Notes seeks to provide both an independent Green Socialist perspective, as well as link listeners up with opportunities to get involved in building a real people-powered movement in their communities.

Green Socialist Notes Livestream/Podcast

Every Saturday at 3:00 PM ET on Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, and Twitch.

Every Monday at 7:00 AM ET on Anchor.fmBreakerGoogle PodcastsPocket CastsRadioPublic, and Spotify.


The videos below are listed chronologically, with the newest videos showing on top.


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