As the Green Socialist ORGANIZING Project, we are commited to a wide range of activities to grow a strong, independent Green Party and broader independnt left. But the primary focus towards which all of our work centers is organizng. In order to build the people-powered policital party we need, one which can elect thousands to local office in the 2020s and bring about real, transformational change, we need to focus on building the party and the Green Socialist movement from the bottom-up. As organizers, we must be engaged in our community building relationships and power.
This page will provide a resources and tools to help you organize around various issues in your community. It will be updated as new opportunities arise and more resources are available.
Police Reform Resources
These resources provide your local movement data and tools to create real policy change in policing.
Policy Papers
These GSOP Policy Papers provide a background and action proposals on various issues.
Organize for Dues
A dues-paying mass-membership party has been the missing ingredient in third-party politics throughout American history.