Ecosocialism 101 Workshop Reading List

Based off of our Ecosocialism 101 workshop, this reading list is compiled from our Ecosocialism 101 workshops. The authors and works below were covered at varying levels in our Ecosocialism 101 workshops, with some being mentioned in passing and others being addressed...

Howie and Angela’s Reading Lists

May 2021 (Howie) The Global Police State William I Robinson As the world becomes ever more unequal, people become ever more ‘disposable’. Today, governments systematically exclude sections of their populations from society though heavy-handed policing. But...

Young Ecosocialists Reading List

This introductory list was curated by members of the Young Ecosocialists, the Youth Caucus of the Green Party US, in 2018. Eco-Socialism Wiki Paulo Freire – Pedagogy of the Oppressed...

Mimi Soltysik Reading List

Emido “Mimi” Soltysik was a revolutionary organizer and activist who believed in that a revolution starts from below. Soltysik was involved in local organizations in Los Angeles, California, such as Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, Coalition for Peace,...

Green Party of Colorado Reading List

An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States – Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz A People’s History of the United States – Howard Zinn Harvest of Empire : A History of Latinos in America – Juan Gonzales Subterranean Fire : A History of Working Class...