2022 Green Socialist Organizing Project Year in Review
2022 saw the midterm elections and Howie running for Governor of New York as a write-in candidate (after Democrats tripled the required signatures for third parties to get on the ballot), as well as the Green Socialist Organizing Project continuing to focus on providing the educational and training resources that are needed for the Green Party to become the mass, bottom-up party that we need!
The biggest news this year in terms of GSOP itself is that we are officially a 501(c) not-for-profit organization! That means that you can now become a dues paying member, have a voice in our work, and help us continue to put out the content and resources we need!
Green Socialist Notes
Starting as a weekly campaign livestream during the 2020 presidential election, Green Socialist Notes, our weekly news and politics podcast, did not miss a single week in 2022! And because the first and last day of the year were both Saturdays, that means we had 53 episodes this year! This included 10 Green/Socialist candidate interviews and 4 special topic episodes, which supplement our normal formula of Howie talking about the week’s events and taking viewer questions.
Check Out the 2022 Green Socialist Notes Playlist!
Check Out the 2022 Candidate Interviews Playlist!
101s Series Workshops
New to 2022, and hosted by Education Working Group Organizers Chris Blankenhorn and Garret Wasserman, our 101s Series is intended to provide a common foundation of understanding the party, socialism, and our organizing philosophies. We hope that the series will make it easier for people to get involved, not only with our work, but with their local and state Green Party.
In 2022, the 101s Series cycled through the topics of Green Party 101, Ecosocialism 101, and Organizing 101, with each topic being repeated quarterly. Part political/practical education and part onboarding programming, every session built on the information covered in previous session while expanding to cover tangents, more indepth looks at areas of discussion, or different perspectives from which to approach the broader topic.
The series will continue in 2023, thought with a slightly different structure.
Click here to learn more and view past session resources
Check Out the 2022 101s Series Playlist!
2022 Campaign Trainings
With 2022 being a midterm election year, we wanted to provide candidate and campaign resources to Green candidates across the country from experts in their areas. In addition to traditional campaign trainings that were focused on the nuts and bolts functions of grassroots campaigns, like campaign communications or ballot access petitioning, we wanted to provide some issues oriented trainings that would help develop a common understanding and language for Green campaigns across the country.
Click here to learn more and view past session resources
Check Out the 2022 Campaign Trainings Playlist!
2022 Stand Alone Resources
In addition to our regular programming, we also put out a number of stand alone resources, ranging from written pieces to online workshops.
GSOP at the 2022 Green Party US Annual National Meeting
Every year the Green Party of the United States holds it’s Annual National Meeting, which encourages Greens from across the country to come together for a series of workshops, speakers, and other opportunties to learn more and grow the party. This year, GSOP members were involved in 3 different workshops. AJ Reed presented How to Build Your Organization Like a Sports Team, which discussed ways that coaching methods and perspectives can help in growing an organization, and Understanding Queer Geographies, which discussed the intersection of geography and the LGBTQIA community. Howie Hawkins joined Richard Winger, Ballot Access News, and Tony Ndege, GPUS Ballot Access Committee, discussed the struggle for ballot access and what strategies Greens should be focusing on.
Other 2022 Resources
Workshop: Organizing in Rural Communities
Article: Towards a Broad Left Party
We are just gettting started here at the Green Socialist Organizing Project and are planning to continue to put out great programming to help new Greens find their home and Greens around the country to become better organizers!
We have a lot of things in the works and are trying to develop a wide range of programming including,
- New Political Theory Podcast
- Revamped 101 Series
- More Stand Alone Issues Programming
- Party Building Resources
- New Reading Lists
- Party Building Resources
- Policy Debates
If you want to get involved in helping us grow and build sign up at greensocialist.net or email us at greensocialistop@gmail.com.